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Results have been tallied! These are the final standings for the 2024 season!
Brad Bieri
Cole Lenzen/Eric Stanley
Luke Bucco/Eric Stanley
Cody Coulter
Nate & Kaden Shank
Tanner & Trevor Nelson
Rick Yarger
BJ Oldfield
Chad Terwilliger
Jacob Smith
Brad Bieri
Ruthless/Eric Stanley
Luke Bucco/Eric Stanley
Jacob Smith
Cody Coulter
Nate & Kaden Shank
Tanner & Trevor Nelson
Rick Yarger
BJ Oldfield
Keith Conklin
Chad Terwilliger
Jacob Smith
Tony Johnson
Luke Bucco/Eric Stanley
Paul Young
Nate & Kaden Shank
Craig Conrad
Keith Conklin
Travis Mahr
Scotty & Marty Whittaker
Dave, Courtney, & Jake Mahr
Keith Conklin
Keith Conklin
Jim Young
Tony Johnson
Jacob Smith
Paul Young
Craig Conrad
Dave, Courtney, & Jake Mahr
Nate & Kaden Shank
Scotty & Marty Whittaker
Travis Mahr
Craig/Jake Conrad
Jerry Brown
Keith Conklin
Keith Conklin
Gary Wagenknecht
Drew Vawter
Ed Brown
Jim Young
Paul Young
Cody Coulter
Tyler Smith
Jake Conrad
Craig Conrad
Jerry Brown
Scotty Whittaker/Jake Warner
Luke Bucco
Drew Vawter
Ed Brown
Keith Conklin
Gary Wagenknecht
View a link to the complete points breakdown, per pull, by pressing the button below!
11,000 lbs Improved Farm: "Ugly is In" Nelson Pulling Team
11,500 lbs Improved Farm: "Ugly is In" Nelson Pulling Team
12,000 lbs Luck of the Draw: "Plowboy's Legacy" Jacob Smith
12,500 lbs Out of the Field 8 mph: "Case 1370" Paul Young
10,500 lbs Improved Farm: "Ugly is In" Nelson Pulling Team
11,500 lbs Improved Farm: "Ugly is In" Nelson Pulling Team
12,500 lbs Improved Farm: "Ugly is In" Nelson Pulling Team
12,500 lbs Out of the Field 8 mph: "Bones" Scotty Whittaker